Identity Theft: A Growing Crime

Identity theft is now the #1 growing crime in the United States. It’s more common than you think. In fact, millions fall victim to identity theft daily. Furthermore, the numbers grow each year.

The Nature of Identity Theft

Identity theft is like a PC virus. Often, it’s too late once discovered. It can be controlled and slowed down. However, it can also return unexpectedly.

Recovering from Identity Theft

Fortunately, recovering from identity theft isn’t as painful as imagined. Credit card laws make it a simple process. Disputing and recovering stolen funds is straightforward.

Immediate Steps to Take

Firstly, notify your card issuer immediately. Most banks will reverse funds to prevent consumer suffering. This happens while an investigation is conducted.

Preventing Future Identity Theft

Now what? You have recovered your money. Yet, thieves might open more accounts under your name.

Steps to Prevent Further Damage

Therefore, take necessary steps to prevent this.

  • File an Identity Theft Report: Initially, file a report with your local police station. Do this where the crime occurred.
  • Notify the Credit Bureaus: Next, notify credit bureaus to place a fraud alert. Include your phone number with the alert. This way, lenders must verify your identity. They will contact you by phone. Include your ID Theft report with the fraud alert. Consequently, this ensures a 7-year fraud alert instead of 90 days.

Seeking Professional Help

Hopefully, handle the matter efficiently to prevent future issues. If your credit is tarnished, there is a solution.

Team USA Credit Repair: Your Ally

Team USA Credit Repair helps identity theft victims. Our steps differ from our standard services. While standard service takes 60-90 days, identity theft can be handled in weeks. Different tactics protect consumers. Consequently, laws block accounts in days. They prevent fraudulent debts from reappearing. Additionally, they prevent debt reporting by third-party collectors.

Get Help Now

Thus, call Team USA Credit Repair for assistance. We are experienced in this field. Moreover, we have helped thousands recover from identity theft.

Necessary Documentation

Finally, provide necessary documents for our “identity theft credit repair” services. Include a list of fraudulent accounts. Also, submit an identity theft report with details. Furthermore, provide copies of your driver license, social security card, and utility bill. This proves identity, residence, and identity theft status.